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Helping with Chores

Recently I started having my kids do more around the house.  I used to believe that kids should just be kids and never have to do any work, since that is the way I was raised, at least that is how it seemed to me.  Being one of seven kids and having a mom who was a homemaker, allowed us to not have a lot of chores.  Now that my kids are older, I strongly believe in having them help around the house.  It gives them a sense of pride in their home and is something we can all enjoy together.  A few weeks ago, we told our kids there were certain things they are expected to do in our house as part of the family.  Some of these things they have been doing, like cleaning up their toys when they are done with them.  Other chores were new, like taking your plate over to the dishwasher and putting it in.  The chores that we give them include: picking up toys, putting dirty clothes in hamper, taking dishes over when the meal is finished, and folding and putting away their laundry.  We recently added the folding part of the laundry and I am wondering why I waited so long!  My kids LOVED it.  Isaiah was into it since we made it a race, and Ayla seemed to have some pride in folding her cute, beautiful, special, gorgeous, etc. clothes.

We have also made a chore jar in the past where there are “extra” things in the jar (like wash the car, sweep the front porch).  The idea is to pick one out every once in a while and all pitch in and do the chore.  I will say, I know this works for some families, but this completely did not work for us.  I think with my and my children’s personalities, it is better for them to know each day/week what they are responsible for and just get it done.  I have a friend that does a chore chart, and swears by it.  Just get a system that works for you and your family and stick with it.  Don’t forget to make it fun!

Share your ideas with what works with your family!