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Family Fun Fridays- Apples

With both my kids in school, I don’t get to plan as many activities/games/crafts as we like so I decided to start a new tradition with our family, Family Fun Friday.  On Friday nights we will be together as a family, but instead of just hanging out and playing we will have a theme and activities we can do together.  I thought this might be a fun way to continue to spend time together and save money at the same time!

This weeks theme is Apples, with all our apples in our tree I figured this was a good fit.  Here are some things we will be doing.

1. Making deluxe carmel apples

2. Bobbing for apples

3. Apple dip taste testing

4. Mr. Apple Head (think Mr. Potato head but decorating with candy and marshmallows).

5. Cut apples in half and paint/stamp with them

6. Measure and weigh them

7. Juggle with them or try to balance them on our head (Like the book 10 Apples Up on Top).

8. Hot Apple instead of Hot potato

Carmel Apples

One of my favorite things about fall, along with the cooler weather, is all the yummy food.  Currently I am obsessed with peanuts and candy corn mixed, along with caramels!  The kids and I decided to make caramel apples, which was very fun…although CAUTION don’t get burned as both of my kids did.


We have been enjoying the fall and one thing we always love to do is projects with apples.  There are so many delicious and wonderful crafts and recipes!  In the past, one of our family traditions is going apple picking.  Apparently we missed it this year because it frosted so early in Colorado, so we “picked” apples at the store. Oh well, we will try again next year.   We have been busy doing apple taste testing, reading books about apples, making a Mr. Potato Head apple, painting with apples, seeing if they float or sink and just eating lots and lots of apples.  We are looking forward to the first snow and making our traditional apple dumplings, yummy!