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Glue Leaves

Awhile back the kids and I made colored glue when there was a sale for school on glue bottles.  All you do is add a lot of food coloring to the bottle and stir it up.  We used the glue today to make leaves.  The was a very simple craft that the kids loved!  Here are the directions:

1. Make the colored glue

2. Draw leaves with permanent marker on wax paper (we copied our drawings from a leaf book we had checked out at the library).

3. Add the glue into the leaf drawings

4. Let harden (this took awhile since we got a little glue happy, think 2 days!)

5. Peel off and enjoy your leaf.  We hung ours in our kids rooms as decorations and also put a few on the kitchen table.

Camouflage Critters

We have been talking about how God made different animals different colors so they can be protected from their predators.  What an awesome and creative God we serve!  We did a simple lesson on this today in our backyard.  I set out several different plastic bugs in the yard and gave them 1 minute to find as many as they could.  Then I told them how many more were still there…they were hidden by their colors.  The kids then went back to find them, some they found with closer looking, while others remained hidden.  Here is a look.


Decorating for Fall

We thought it would be fun to decorate our windows for fall, so the kids and I decided to paint leaves.  This was spur of the moment, yet very fun and easy!  We cut up a paper bag I had from the grocery in the shape of leaves, painted them with sponges and, after they were dried, taped them to the windows to display them.  Here is a look.

Sorting with Leaves

We decided to go on a walk/bike and look for leaves yesterday.  With all the leaves we collected we did a sorting activity.  We sorted the leaves in several different ways, the kids each had a pile and they sorted them on the mat.  Having the mess helped with the mess of the dried out leaves, but it also helped them read and write what we were sorting.  Some we came up with include: big/small, loud/quiet, soft/hard, long/short, colorful/plain, stem/no stem.  Glad we did this yesterday as today, I am afraid we would have been blown away!

Leaves, Leaves, Leaves

I LOVE fall!  It is definitely my favorite season.  I love the changing leaves, sweatshirt weather, and snuggling with my kids (well Ayla at least).  The kids are still sick so we have been having fun doing lots of leaf projects.  To see what each one is, just click on the picture.  We also are planning on making place mats, a graph of leaves, rubbings, and decorating some more leaves (maybe stickers this time?) since we loved that.  Share your fall ideas, I would love to hear them…next up are apples.