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Happy Mother’s Day!

Mother’s Day Ideas

Here are some ideas of things the kids can make for Moms, Grandma’s, etc. I really like to find things I myself would like too, not just things I will keep around but not use.  Feel free to leave this page open so your husband can see it and your kids can do one of these ideas!

* Scrapbook: One of my personal favorite.  Have the kids make a scrapbook about things they’ve done with mom.

* Video: My husband and kids did this for me last year and I loved it.  It was lots of pictures put to music and the kids saying sweet things about me, great for those who are good with video.

* Painting Pottery: Have the kids select a vase, mug, or some other fitting thing for their mom or grandma and have them hand paint something they’ll cherish forever.

* Garden stone: Have your kids design a garden stone complete with a hand print, maybe them writing their name, jewels, etc.

* Letter/Poem: Have the kids write a letter or poem for their mom.  This could be hilarious or super sweet.

* Coupons: A day to sleep in, hugs from kids, no clean up duty, etc.

Have fun making the ladies in your life feel special!

Happy Mother’s Day

I love being a mom.  It is a true joy and I am so thankful to be able to grow with my kids.  I wanted to share with you the moms in my life and what I love about each one of them.

My Mom:

Raising seven kids?  Seriously there is rarely a day that goes by that I do not think about her and how amazing she is to be able to raise each of us each so well.  Some days when I think about how much laundry I have to do, I think of my mom and how she was able to do it with a family of nine.

She is super generous.  I don’t mean just money, although that is true of her, but she is always very giving of herself.  If someone has had a surgery, she takes them a meal.  I had a new baby, she drops everything and flies out to be here right away to cook, clean, and help the adjustment go smoothly.  She takes care of three of my grandparents and never complains.  I really admire her for this.

She knows how to make you feel special.  Birthdays are big deals, as she is always the first one to call, and makes you feel loved.  She loves each one of us kids and treats us fairly.  Never once have a questioned my mother’s love.  It is a given.  In high school when I was devastated when I didn’t make the cheerleading squad, she stayed with me that night and said how proud she was of me.  She let me miss school the next day (drama in high school, don’t miss that much!), and we spent the day together figuring out what I would be involved in.

She’s always there.  She never missed anything.  Always there for parent/teacher conferences, soccer games, gymnastics meets, new babies, wisdom teeth, etc.  I cannot think of a major thing in my life that my mother was not there for.

My Mother-in-law:

I know I am very blessed to have a great mother-in-law.  When I tell friends that I love my mother-in-law they are shocked, it is not the norm, and I am grateful for her.  She is a servant.  She rarely sits down, always is eager to wait on others and happily serves people.  That is one thing that amazes me.  She never complains, and even looks for ways to serve others.

She stays updated on our family.  She faithfully reads my blog, prays for us, and e-mails to make sure she knows what is going on for us in life.  She is such a huge blessing and encouragement to me.  She makes a point to have meaningful conversations with us and is intentional on keeping up with how we are doing.  Just recently she called to encourage me with some life decisions I had to make and breathed life into me, by listening and sharing her experiences with me.

She prays.  I know that if I ever have something I am struggling with, I can count on her to pray for me.  She doesn’t just pray, she also checks in to ask how everything is going.  Her walk with Christ is a great example for me to follow.

Happy Mother’s Day!

Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day is coming up, so here are some ideas to make for grandma or even for yourself!

* Interview about Mom: This could be made into a book or poem, something simple. Examples might include:  My mom likes, My mom is, My mom does, My mom wears, My mom enjoys, My mom laughs when, My mom is silly when, My mom doesn’t enjoy, etc.  It is pretty funny to hear what they think of you!

* Make a homemade treat, such as cookies or breads and have the kids help.  You could even put together a cookbook of your kids making your mom’s, or MIL, favorite family recipes, be sure to include a picture.

* We have made picture flowers in the past.  Simply cut out a flower design (I traced a cookie cutter we had), attach it to a pipecleaner, for the stem, and put a small picture of your child’s face in the middle of the flower.  These are great they keep forever, and grandmas LOVE them!

* My kids have also made aprons for their grandma’s.  Get a plain apron (Michael’s, Hobby Lobby, or Wal-Mart), paint the kids hands as flowers, have them draw stems, and add ladybug fingerprints around the side.  (This is what my kids are making for me this year!)

* also has a you and me book that I love!  It is basically a book that is about your child and the recipient: I have blue eyes, You have green eyes.  I like soccer, You like football, etc.  The kids draw pictures on each page.  I think that is super cute…I will be using this idea in the future.

* We have also given the ladies in our family magnets of our kids.  Since we live far away, they can have them on the fridge instead of regular magnets and see their grandkids each day!  Just cut out pictures and add magnetic tape to the back.

What are you making for Mother’s Day?  Happy Creating!